Garbage collection is an essential public service in modern-day life that is often taken for granted. Nonetheless, ensuring that our trash and recyclables are efficiently and properly collected and disposed of can be difficult and time-consuming, not to mention costly. By mounting the AMobile IoT-800 HMI panel onto the dashboard of each of its trucks, a waste management contractor in the United Kingdom was not only able to improve the overall efficiency of its waste collection fleet, but also ensure that recyclables, which were considered public assets according to local environmental regulations, were being properly processed by drivers.
Project Requirements
Ensuring that garbage collectors are indeed making their scheduled pick-ups in the most efficient manner possible is critical to keeping costs down, not just for municipal service providers, but also for the taxpayers who ultimately pay the bill. In addition to optimizing waste collection efficiency and ensuring that all the garbage trucks in the fleet are well-maintained so as to avoid costly repairs and downtime, the waste management company also had to ensure that recyclables were being properly handled and not illicitly unloaded and sold in violation of local environmental protection laws. What’s more, garbage collection is also a physically demanding job. Consequently, the company also needed a way to effectively monitor driver fatigue and other behaviors to ensure compliance with company and municipal policies, as well as to improve working conditions for drivers.